10 of the Most Innovative Chatbots on the Web

– Answer the Question with Non-Traditional Answers

Should a customer ask something outside of the chatbot’s scope, it will “break” and default back to the original question, or it’ll tell the customer that it doesn’t understand. Customers service chatbots are taught to recognize and answer common questions from visitors on your website. Despite the fact that ALICE relies on such an old codebase, the bot offers users a remarkably accurate conversational experience. Of course, no bot is perfect, especially one that’s old enough to legally drink in the U.S. if only it had a physical form.


Chatbots have become extraordinarily popular in recent years largely due to dramatic advancements in machine learning and other underlying technologies such as natural language processing. Today’s chatbots are smarter, more responsive, and more useful – and we’re likely to see talk to robot online even more of them in the coming years. In this post, we’ll cover two basic types of robots you can practice English with. First are the chatbots created especially for language learners. Second are the authentic chatbots that native speakers use for a variety of tasks.

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Conversational or Stateful bots rely on history and information collection to complete tasks. Transactional or Stateless bots don’t require history – every request is treated as discrete. See JennyBot in action with a personal one-hour call from a chatbot expert.

Today, people are using messenger apps more than they use telephones or social networks. Providing chatbots on these messaging platforms opens up large markets to a business. Now, many chatbots include voice interaction that leverage natural language processing and Natural Language Understanding (NLU. This gives them complex functional features, like the ability to carry out a task or gather information for a user. A chatbot is also known as an Artificial Conversational Entity , chat robot, talk bot, chatterbot, or chatterbox.

of the Most Innovative Chatbots on the Web

The time savings and efficiency gained from AI chatbots and conversational assistants help companies increase their customer service productivity or sales. By leveraging chatbots, human agents are freed up to focus on high-profile customer service or sales rather than spending all day answering questions about a business’ return policy. A few years ago, the idea of chatting with a robot to learn English might’ve sounded surreal, but that’s no longer the case. With advances in Artificial Intelligence, and tons of great English learning apps available, you can have interesting and fruitful conversations with a robot to improve your English.

Many times, you’ll get a generic response where the bot tells you it doesn’t know what you mean. Depending on the chatbot’s intended use, you can break it by asking odd questions that have very little to do with whatever product or service the brand offers. It’s also possible to ask open-ended or hypothetical questions, or even rhetorical questions. When people talk, they typically insert filler noises such as “ummm” or “ohhh.” If you’re talking to another human, they’ll understand that you don’t mean anything by this except you’re searching for what to say.

A user can ask a chatbot a question (What’s the weather today?) or make a command , and the chatbot responds or performs the action. Ideally, the chatbot will have several relevant responses available in case you were to forego these pre-selected responses and type something else in. But since there are an almost unlimited number of possible human responses, many bots stick to a core few and force you to select one from this list if you want to move forward. This is especially true if the chatbot asks you for a significant amount of information before it leads you to any products or services, as you may need to input this information again. Ideally, chatbots should have a key phrase or word that triggers a new question.

talk to robot online

ALICE, like many contemporary bots, struggles with the nuances of some questions and returns a mixture of inadvertently postmodern answers and statements that suggest ALICE has greater self-awareness for which we might give the agent credit. The bot isn’t a true conversational agent, in the sense that the bot’s responses are currently a little limited; this isn’t a truly “freestyle” chatbot. For example, in the conversation above, the bot didn’t recognize the reply as a valid response – kind of a bummer if you’re hoping for an immersive experience. At the heart of chatbot technology lies natural language processing or NLP, the same technology that forms the basis of the voice recognition systems used by virtual assistants such as Google Now, Apple’s Siri, and Microsoft’s Cortana.

– Answer the Question with Non-Traditional Answers

If you’re the kind of person who has WebMD bookmarked for similar reasons, it might be worth checking out MedWhat. You can also just let Hello Hipmunk know about your intention to travel and the bot will suggest options for you. If you need to learn English essentials like place names, dates or numbers, this is a great tool to check your knowledge gaps. Vocabulary lists can be custom-built by you, and personalized quizzes are based on the videos you’ve watched. Its multimedia flashcards also use an SRS that keeps track of which vocabulary you’ve mastered and which you need more help with.

talk to robot online

Andy is a chat app designed specifically for English conversation practice. You can have a casual discussion or play language games with Andy. There are also options to learn English grammar and expand your vocabulary. …And in the meantime, maybe it’s a good thing that we don’t have robots for everything else. Since a bot can’t understand this, it’ll most likely ask you to elaborate.

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